--- title: "07: Age structured populations" author: "Fallert, S. and Cabral, J.S." output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{07: Age structured populations} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ``` Many species have population dynamics that require more complex equations than the simple Ricker model (which describes overcompensatory scramble competition with non-overlapping generations). A common abstraction to deal with this complexity is to partition a species into functional subgroups that undergo different processes. This could for example be *juveniles* who are dispersing and looking for a habitat, who then become *adults* who are stationary but have the ability to reproduce and generate the next generation of *juveniles*. The following illustrates a simple example on how one could model such a system with metaRange. ## Basic setup ```{r setup} library(metaRange) library(terra) ``` Setup the basic simulation. ```{r setup_sim} raster_file <- system.file("ex/elev.tif", package = "terra") r <- rast(raster_file) habitat <- scale(r, center = FALSE, scale = TRUE) habitat <- rep(habitat, 10) landscape <- sds(habitat) names(landscape) <- "habitat" sim <- create_simulation(landscape) sim$add_species("species_1") ``` ## Traits Now we add the traits for both the *juveniles* and the *adults*. ```{r some-traits} sim$add_traits( species = "species_1", n_juveniles = 100, n_adults = 100, mortality_juveniles = 0.1, mortality_adults = 0.7, reproduction_rate = 2 ) sim$add_traits( species = "species_1", population_level = FALSE, dispersal_kernel = calculate_dispersal_kernel( max_dispersal_dist = 8, kfun = negative_exponential_function, mean_dispersal_dist = 4 ) ) ``` ## Processes The important part of this age structured population model is the transition between the age classes. These processes could of course be of any desired complexity, but to make the example easier to follow, here we will just use simple functions: ```{r repro1} sim$add_process( species = "species_1", process_name = "reproduction", process_fun = function() { self$traits[["n_juveniles"]] <- self$traits[["n_adults"]] + ( self$traits[["n_adults"]] * self$traits[["reproduction_rate"]] ) * self$sim$environment$current$habitat }, execution_priority = 1 ) sim$add_process( species = "species_1", process_name = "maturation", process_fun = function() { self$traits[["n_adults"]] <- self$traits[["n_adults"]] + self$traits[["n_juveniles"]] * (1 - self$traits[["mortality_juveniles"]]) }, execution_priority = 3 ) ``` ## More processes As mentioned in the introduction paragraph, we will add a dispersal process for the juveniles and an aditional process controlling the mortality of the adults. Note that we do not need to add an `mortality_of_juveniles` process, since their mortality is already included in the `maturation` process. ```{r dispersal1} sim$add_process( species = "species_1", process_name = "dispersal_of_juveniles", process_fun = function() { self$traits[["n_juveniles"]] <- dispersal( abundance = self$traits[["n_juveniles"]], dispersal_kernel = self$traits[["dispersal_kernel"]] ) }, execution_priority = 2 ) sim$add_process( species = "species_1", process_name = "mortality_of_adults", process_fun = function() { self$traits[["n_adults"]] <- self$traits[["n_adults"]] * (1 - self$traits[["mortality_adults"]]) }, execution_priority = 4 ) ``` ## Result Lastly, we add a process that reports the numbers of adults and juveniles over time, after which we can execute the simulation and plot the results. ```{r run_sim} sim$add_globals(n_juveniles = c(), n_adults = c()) sim$add_process( process_name = "logger", process_fun = function() { self$globals$n_juveniles <- c(self$globals$n_juveniles, sum(self$species_1$traits[["n_juveniles"]])) self$globals$n_adults <- c(self$globals$n_adults, sum(self$species_1$traits[["n_adults"]])) }, execution_priority = 5 ) sim$begin() plot( 1:10, sim$globals$n_juveniles, col = "darkred", type = "l", lwd = 2, ylim = c(0, max(sim$globals$n_juveniles, sim$globals$n_adults)), xlab = "Time", ylab = "Number of individuals", cex.lab = 0.7, cex.axis = 0.7 ) lines(1:10, sim$globals$n_adults, col = "darkblue", lwd = 2) legend( "topleft", legend = c("juveniles", "adults"), col = c("darkred", "darkblue"), lty = 1, lwd = 2, cex = 0.7 ) ```